AFP News

National Philanthropy Day Highlight: Lisa Pollock

Stewardship & Marketing: Donor Relations/Stewardship
Leadership and Teams: Boards and Volunteers
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access (IDEA): Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
Lisa Pollock

Throughout the month of November, the Association of Fundraising Professionals will be highlighting honourees from National Philanthropy Day chapter events around the world, showcasing outstanding donors, volunteers, corporations, foundations and others who are being recognized for their commitment to change and philanthropy.

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Today, we’re showcasing Lisa Pollock, Outstanding Individual Volunteer, honoured by the AFP South Saskatchewan Chapter.

Lisa was nominated for the award by her colleague for the work she’s doing surrounding Huntington Disease (HD), which affects her family.

Lisa began by participating in the annual Walk for the Cure for HD in Saskatoon She raised money through sponsorships, but decided she wanted to take her efforts to the next level.

Now, Lisa hosts an online auction during the month of May – HD Awareness Month – and raises both funds and awareness through social media. The funds are then matched by an anonymous donor, allowing Lisa to donate a sizable gift each year to the Huntington Society.

Her support also stretches to a Facebook page she runs, Young People Affected by Huntington Disease, which connects youth and young adults across the country.

The AFP South Saskatchewan Chapter hosted its National Philanthropy Day event and honored Lisa on November 12, 2019. To read more about Lisa, click here.

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