AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada
As the philanthropic arm of AFP, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy—Canada supports many programs and services through its highly successful Annual Fund, especially the Every Member Campaign, and other fundraising vehicles including Major Gifts, Planned Gifts and Endowments.
About the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada was created in 1998 to help fulfill the mission of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), previously the National Society of Fund Raising Professionals: Advancing philanthropy through education, advocacy and training in Canada.
The AFP Canadian Foundation works to:
- Ensure the advancement of philanthropy by supporting AFP's mission and goals in Canada.
- Seek, receive and expend philanthropic funds on AFP's behalf.
- Engage in related activities required to fulfill its purposes and mission.
Case for Support
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Case for Support “Fulfilling the Promise of Philanthropy” identified four priority areas:
- Expand our National Scholarship Program & Develop Advanced Leadership Training Opportunities
- Bolster our Understanding of Canadian Philanthropy and Fundraising Through Research
- Expand and Enhance our “Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program”
- Expand our Ethics Training for both Fundraisers and the Not-For-Profit Sector
Case for Support: English | French
Board of Directors
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada supports the fundraisers who are the change agents in communities across this country. We want what you want – for charities to be successful and deliver results and community impact. We help the same organizations and people that you help – those who are helping others. Learn more.
The AFP Canadian Foundation secures funds and other resources to implement AFP's short- and long-range plans through its Annual Fund, planned gifts, endowments and major gifts initiative. In addition, the AFP Canadian Foundation assists AFP Canadian chapters with educational programs and Scholarships through its allocations back to the chapter's geographical area.
Annual Fund
Each year, the AFP Canadian Foundation conducts an Annual Fund campaign - the Every Member Campaign (EMC) - that accepts unrestricted gifts designated for general purposes and major priorities.
Omega Circle
Donors of deferred gifts totaling $5,000 or more are recognized as Omega Circle members. Gifts can be made through the Canadian Foundation in a number of forms, including bequests, gift annuities and trusts.
The Canadian Foundation manages endowment funds that provide resources for various AFP initiatives, including scholarships and mentoring programs. Several funds have been established as a tribute to individuals who have made significant contributions to philanthropy.
Towards Decolonization
The original stewards of Turtle Island, also known as Canada, are the Indigenous peoples of this territory. The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada acknowledges the important relationship Indigenous peoples have with this vast space and the devastating legacy of colonization on their communities and the land we all occupy today.
AFP in Canada is committed to understanding the history and current realities of our diverse profession, including Indigenous, racialized and equity-deserving groups across the charitable sector. We acknowledge that the ongoing process of inclusion and reconciliation involve a review of the common practices that inform how Canadian charities value generosity and reciprocity. New paradigms, founded on principles of respect, allyship and justice, hold great potential in transforming the sector.
It is incumbent upon all of us—especially settlers on this land—to work in solidarity towards building a culture of belonging that will benefit everyone.
AFP in Canada Truth & Reconciliation
Vers la décolonisation
Les premiers intendants de l’Île à la Tortue, aussi connue sous le nom de Canada, sont les peuples autochtones de ce territoire. La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP reconnaît le lien important que les peuples autochtones entretiennent avec ce vaste espace et les ravages qu’a eus la colonisation sur leurs communautés et les terres que nous occupons aujourd’hui.
L’AFP au Canada est résolue à comprendre l’histoire et les réalités actuelles de notre profession diversifiée, y compris celles des Autochtones, des groupes racisés et des groupes en quête d’équité de l’ensemble du secteur de la bienfaisance. Nous reconnaissons que le processus continu d’inclusion et de réconciliation implique une révision des pratiques courantes qui guident la façon dont les organismes de bienfaisance canadiens valorisent la générosité et la réciprocité. De nouveaux paradigmes, fondés sur des principes de respect, d’alliance et de justice, offrent un grand potentiel de transformation du secteur.
Il nous incombe à tous, en particulier aux colons de ce vaste territoire, de travailler solidairement à l’édification d’une culture d’appartenance qui profitera à tous.
Vérité et réconciliation à l'AFP au Canada
To learn more about the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada, call 416-941-9144, or email