AFP News

2022 Canadian Leadership Retreat

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Courageous conversations… being vulnerable… appreciation for all the work being done by AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada… Networking, Networking, Networking… and, of course THE FOOD

Those were but a few of the comments from the AFP leaders who joined us in Montreal from July 21-23 for the 2022 Canadian Leadership Retreat.

Graciously hosted by the Quebec chapter, the Retreat is co-organized by AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. This gathering of AFP leaders focuses on the impact of the fundraising profession in our country. Chapter leaders, members of both national boards, and volunteers from across the country gather annually to learn about all the great work underway at AFP and to discuss topics of interest and concern to our profession in Canada.

This year, we focused on AFP’s recent study on addressing and preventing sexual harassment, Speaking Truth to Power; plans to develop a Fundraiser Bill of Rights; actions that are currently underway and planned on Truth and Reconciliation; how to create inclusive spaces; government relations; and an inspiring fireside chat on leadership. The guest speaker for this year’s event, Dr. Beth Breeze, joined us by Zoom, along with AFP members from across the country, for a special presentation on her award-winning book, In Defence of Philanthropy. (To watch the recording click here.)

AFP Canada Chair Ken Mayhew and AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Chair Jane Potentier, CFRE, were dynamic emcees keeping the energy high throughout the event. They, along with past chairs Paula Attfield and Susan Storey, CFRE, designed an informative, engaging, and dynamic program which included many opportunities for networking.

“As we developed this year’s agenda, we focused on substantive sessions that would leave AFP leaders feeling recharged, motivated and inspired—sessions that would ‘fill their buckets’,” explained Ken Mayhew, chair of AFP Canada. “We were all excited to be in person in Montreal and also wanted to have fun, which I think we did!”

New this year was an opportunity for leaders to share anything that wowed them during the meetings. Dubbed “Moments Mémorables”—a nod to our host chapter city—it provided a great opportunity for all to share. It was inspiring to read the comments throughout the event.

“Not only were our Moments Mémorables a fun new addition to this year’s Retreat, they also provided a great opportunity for our leaders to recognize the generous donors in the room” shared Jane Potentier, CFRE, chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. “I am thrilled that we raised $17,000 at the Retreat this year!”

Donations from the over 60 generous leaders who attended this year’s event will be used to support translation and mentoring through the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. A special thanks to our two matching donors, Ken Mayhew, and an anonymous donor. Their gifts and the creative fundraising campaign developed by Amanda Fritz, CFRE, inspired all!

A special thanks to this year’s Canadian Leadership Retreat’s generous sponsors: Blakely, BNP Philanthropic Performance, DonorPerfect, ViTreo, pur philanthropie, Stephen Thomas Ltd, MCR Canada and Trellis. Their support enables us to continue our critical work across our country.

We are looking forward to holding the next Canadian Leadership Retreat in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, on July 20-22, 2023!

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