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AFP in Canada Report

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AFP Canada


AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada proudly present this report showcasing highlights from our work together (as AFP in Canada), and independently as separate entities, as part of the AFP ecosystem. 

AFP in Canada

This ecosystem, as illustrated above, holds AFP members at its center. Each AFP entity has a distinct mandate that complements the others. This report is focused on the work of AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.

AFP Canada is a leading national voice for fundraising professionals who are vital in advancing charitable work. Formed in 2017, AFP Canada was created to complement AFP Global’s work. Its mandate is uniquely focused on Canadian government relations and communications, and important national priorities like Truth and Reconciliation. AFP Canada’s work is guided by its joint strategic plan with the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, a registered charity, was created in 1999. As the philanthropic arm of AFP, the Foundation raises funds for its National Scholarship Program, the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program, research, ethics education, and leadership development.

Highlights from 2023 to June 2024

AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada

  • Launched the first phase of IDEAA (inclusion, diversity, equity, access and anti-racism) audit and sector benchmarking research project. This is a project to conduct an independent IDEA and anti-racism audit of AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. Key outcomes of this audit will be further recommendations for change and actions. The second phase of this work is sector benchmarking research. 
  • Continued implementing actions identified by the working group on Truth and Reconciliation leading the way for AFP to continue taking meaningful steps on this important journey. 
  • In partnership with Volunteer Canada, Imagine Canada, Ajah and Volunteer Management Professionals Canada successfully launched the new and improved Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering resources in English and French and offered education sessions online, and in person at the 2023 retreat and at AFP ICON in 2024. 
  • Supported AFP leaders by offering a relevant, engaging and thoughtful 2023 AFP in Canada Leadership Retreat with the support of the AFP Newfoundland and Labrador chapter. 
  • Convened meetings of leaders at the AFP LEAD and AFP ICON in 2023 and at AFP ICON in 2024. A virtual option was offered enabling leaders from across the country to attend.

AFP Canada

Government Relations (GR)

Advocating for an environment that strengthens effective and ethical fundraising to encourage more giving and greater impact


Promoting the value of the fundraising profession and AFP

  • Raised the profile of our sector and profession through four AFP/Global and Mail Supplements (June 2023, November, December and June 2024). 
  • Updated and promoted the great resources developed by AFP Canada so they can be used by AFP members and chapters in Canada. (These can be found on the AFP Canada website.) 
  • Seven sessions were offered on the Narrative for Canadian Fundraising at AFP ICON (2023 and 2024), to the Kingston University Business School (UK), the Colorado chapters (US), at the Greater Vancouver and Newfoundland and Labrador chapters, and nationally via zoom. Twenty sessions have been offered since the Narrative was first published in 2019. 
  • In 2023, all four media briefs were revised. They are on the following topics: National Philanthropy Day®, Holiday Giving, Rethinking the Cost of Fundraising, and Why Fundraising Matters. They are available in English and French and can be found on our website along with past media coverage and the five videos that were recorded featuring media spokespeople using the key messages in mock interviews. An AFP Canada Media Relations Decision Matrix and Tool Link (en français) was developed as a guide for local chapters to know when to respond to media inquiries. 
  • Raised the profile of our profession and AFP Canada through media relations including interviews on CBC Radio Maritime Noon, the Ottawa Business Journal, Future of Good, Ricochet, CityNews 101.1 - the Sam Laprade Show, and An Hour to Give. 
  • AFP Canada responded to reports from the Canadian Press, the Globe and Mail, La Press, Le Devoir and CTV News about Canadian charity compensation packages (English and French).
  • AFP Canada published 24 articles in 2023 and has published 13 to date for 2024 on a variety of topics of interest to members in Canada. They are available in English and French
  • Updated Fundraising Is Awesome, in English and French, and created a document summarizing AFP Canada communication resources for chapters in English and French.
  • We provided, and continue to provide, relevant and informative content on the sector in Canada to members through the AFP in Canada newsletter, published each Thursday, and through the AFP Canada website (en francais).

AFP Canada Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) 

Taking meaningful actions on Truth and Reconciliation and making change with our IDEA work

  • In addition to the work that AFP Canada does in collaboration with the Foundation and being mindful not to duplicate work underway at AFP Global or the chapters, AFP Canada focuses on bringing the principles of IDEA into our work. In this article we share examples along with a list of other AFP Canada articles on this topic (en français).  
  • AFP Canada sourced and offered anti-racism training courses to those attending the AFP in Canada Leadership Retreat in both 2023 and 2024. The courses offered are University of British Columbia’s course called “Anti-Racism Awareness: Historical, Systemic and Intersectional Anti-Racism: From Awareness to Action,” and the University of Alberta’s course called “Black Canadians: History, Presence, and Anti-Racist Futures.” The fees for certificates of completion are paid by AFP Canada.
  • A number of changes were made beginning in 2023 to the retreat, notably, having a private space for BIPOC attendees to meet, recruiting interveners who take action during moments that might cause harm, increasing belonging through special engagement projects, and substantially increasing the amount of time allocated to IDEA at the retreat. 
  • In 2023, we conducted the AFP Canada Truth and Reconciliation Self Assessment Survey and shared the findings at the July joint board meeting and at the retreat. 
  • In September, published an article on One Day's Pay (en français) which included a list of learning resources for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. 
  • In keeping with our commitment to IDEA and taking meaningful actions on Truth and Reconciliation, we have been working to support a new Fundraising Career Track developed in partnership by Indspire and the New School of Fundraising. This pilot program, launched early in 2024, offers fundraising training to Indigenous students. AFP offered 14 free memberships to the program graduates and we connected them with eight chapters in Canada for internship and mentorship opportunities. 
  • With the goal of increasing accessibility for AFP leaders in Canada, AFP Canada approved additional one-time funding to enable an exceptionally large number of leaders to receive travel stipend support for the retreat in 2024. Between January 2023 to the 2024 retreat, 88 leaders were approved for travel stipend funding.  

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada

National Scholarship Program

Provide opportunities for fundraising professionals in Canada to attend educational programs to enhance their skills

  • The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada offers two applications periods annually on March 15 and September 15.
  • Since 2023, the Foundation has provided 33 scholarships totaling $24,808 to fundraising professionals across the country.
  • Specific outreach was made to the Circle on Philanthropy to encourage Indigenous fundraising professionals to apply for scholarships.

Complimentary Webinars

Provide complimentary educational programs to fundraising professionals throughout Canada

  • Exploring the Value of Integrating Texting into your Fundraising Strategy – November 7, 2023.
  • Spheres of Influence hosted by The Circle on Philanthropy on June 8, 2023 for Canadian Leaders.


An overarching priority for the Foundation is to provide resources in both official languages

  • Provided a grant to help with the translation of the book “Excellence in Fundraising in Canada”.


Provide grants to AFP chapter in Canada that offer mentoring programs

  • Since January 2023, the Foundation has provided five grants totaling $2,500 to chapters to help with their mentoring programs.

Regional Programs

Extend the reach of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada through grants to AFP chapters to offer programs and services in their geographic area

  • Since January 2023, the Foundation has provided nineteen grants totaling $17,723 to AFP chapters.

IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) Governance Integration

Incorporate IDEA principles into the governance and leadership of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada

  • The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada serves the entire fundraising profession in Canada. In order to be more inclusive, the board and members of the Foundation approved a bylaw change on June 10, 2024, to allow up to 20% of the Board to be non-members of AFP with the goal of having a more representative board.
  • With the goal of having a leader with lived and learned experience in the area of IDEA, a co-chair-elect governance model was implemented for the last six months of 2024 and a co-chair model will be implemented starting on January 1, 2025. Amanda Fritz, CFRE, with the AFP Quebec chapter and Muneeb Syed, CFRE, with the AFP Greater Toronto chapter will serve in these positions.

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