AFP News

Letter on the 2019 Federal Budget Proposal

Ethics, Accountability, & Professionalism: Fundraising Costs, Fundraising Policies
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On October 10th, advocacy letters on how the 2019 Federal Budget changes can help Canadian charities were published in 14 newspapers across Canada. In this open letter to AFP Canada Members, Don Johnson explains why.

Dear All,

In early October, full-page advocacy letters were published in 14 newspapers across Canada, signed by charities located in each province. Additional letters signed by national umbrella organizations are published in the Globe and Mail, the National Post and the Ottawa Hill Times. A total of 184 charities have signed these letters.

We are asking each of the charities who are signatories, and all of their board members, to meet, in-person, with their local M.P. and explain why this measure would benefit the people in their constituency who benefit from the vital services provided by the charity. Raising awareness of this issue with all M.P.s across Canada will increase the chances of the government including this measure in the 2019 budget as next year is an election year.

It would be helpful if you could meet with your M.P. particularly if she or he is a Liberal. An in-person meeting in her or his constituency office is much more effective than a letter, an email or a phone call. M.P.s listen to leaders in their constituency, particularly during an election year.

The pdfs of the letters published in the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star are linked here for your review.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Best regards,

Don Johnson

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