AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Statement from Board of Directors on AFP Greater Toronto Chapter Anti-Black Racism

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada would like to express our deep concern and regret over the incidents of anti-Black racism associated with the AFP Greater Toronto Chapter. We believe that these incidents of harm are indicative of systemic racism embedded in the structures and order of the AFP ecosystem that fuel a power imbalance and exclusionary culture that disadvantages and isolates, especially those from the Black community.
As a board and as individual fundraisers, we understand the important role that we must play as allies who are uniquely positioned to be agents of change. This must begin with the ultimate act of solidarity which is an acknowledgement of a flawed system in which we have remained complicit through our inaction, and a sincere apology for the discrimination and trauma that our peers have experienced.
In addition to our apology to our peers, we specifically apologize to Nneka Allen, Muthoni Kariuki, and Mide Akerewusi, each of whom is a fundraising professional who was directly affected by the anti-Black racism associated with the AFP Greater Toronto Chapter.
We further apologize for the time it has taken the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada to issue this statement.
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada is committed to values and actions rooted in and associated with upholding diversity, equity, and access for all. As such, we will work to fund activities that drive change in our sector, especially the transformative work to dismantle systems of oppression that continue to pose barriers to achieving equity.
The Board of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada, as part of our commitment to action and change related to diversity, equity, and access, are undertaking the following:
- We are, this year, examining and making changes to our historically colonial structures related to board representation, appointment processes, and leadership roles. In the near term, these changes are focused on how our board’s leadership will evolve to include leaders who have lived experience with systemic racism.
- We have initiated and funded with the support of donors and AFP Global the AFP in Canada IDEAA Project (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access and Anti-Racism). This project will be done in two phases: The first phase has started identifying AFP in Canada’s role in perpetuating inequities and will include a comprehensive IDEAA audit of the processes, structures, programs, and composition of the two AFP leadership boards to better serve our members. The second phase will include implementing the recommendations and changes emerging from the audit, as well as conduct sector benchmarking research. A third party will be hired to partner with us and provide objective expertise in this work.
These actions are the beginning of our work on evolving AFP governance and operating structures in Canada to better reflect the values of our members, our Chapter leaders, and our national board representatives. Inclusion, diversity, equity, and access must be the foundation of all that we do as professionals, as fundraisers, and as sector leaders.
The Foundation’s work, on behalf of all fundraising professionals in Canada, will continue to highlight the need to voice our intolerance for systemic racism, to decolonize our structures, and to remove cliquism and elitism from our boards.
This work is a journey. The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada is actively developing actionable goals which we look forward to sharing with you. We encourage you to hold us accountable to our commitments.
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board of Directors