Research Programs & Resources

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Updated September 18, 2024

Explore IDEA at AFP Canada

AFP Canada is committed to the principles of IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and access) which guide our work as a national leading voice for the fundraising profession in Canada. Building on the work that is led by AFP Global, AFP Canada's work is guided by our policy on IDEA and norms of behaviour.

In partnership with the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada, we are focused on two priorities in Canada: 1-Taking meaningful actions on Truth and Reconciliation; and, 2-The IDEAA (inclusion, diversity, equity, access and anti-racism) audit


Assessing the Role of Foundation Grants in Achieving Sustainable Fundraising by Canadian Charities | Évaluation du rôle des subventions de fondations dans la réalisation de collectes de fonds durables par les organismes de bienfaisance canadiens

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is pleased to share the newest research funded by the Foundation on “Assessing the Role of Foundation Grants in Achieving Sustainable Fundraising by Canadian Charities”.  This research was produced by Iryna Khovrenkov, Associate Professor with the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina along with four research students.      
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La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est heureuse de publier la plus récente étude qu’elle a financée sur l’« Évaluation du rôle des subventions de fondations dans la réalisation de collectes de fonds durables par les organismes de bienfaisance canadiens ». Cette étude a été réalisée par Iryna Khovrenkov, professeure agrégée à la Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy de l’Université de Regina, avec l’aide de quatre étudiantes-chercheuses.      
Pour en apprendre plus

Philanthropic Research: Call for Proposals / Recherche en philanthropie: Appel de propositions

Interested in conducting research for the fundraising profession? The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is now accepting research proposals related to various topics in fundraising. The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, March 14, 2022.      
Learn More | Pour en apprendre plus


Canadian Donors Giving More to Charity (What Canadian Donors Want 2021)

Canadian donors gave almost $1000 to charity, on average, according to the 2021 What Canadian Donors Want survey, conducted by Forum Research for the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada and sponsored by Fundraise Up.


First FEP Canada Report Shows Charitable Giving Up Slightly in 2019

Giving increased by 1.6 percent in 2019 and the number of donors grew by 2.2 percent, according to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project’s (FEP) 2019 Canada Fourth Quarter Report, with significant giving coming from donors who gave $1,000 or more.


What Canadian Donors Want 2018

Seven in ten Canadians have given to charity over the past year, and almost half of donors are open to different sorts of giving approaches than just the traditional solicitation letter, according to the 2018 What Canadian Donors Want Survey, conducted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada in partnership with Ipsos.


Research Grants Available (Program Suspended for 2020)

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada in its mandate to support research on philanthropy, fundraising and the fundraising profession in Canada invites submissions for research grants. Grants will be awarded each year with submissions due annually. Information on grant selection criteria, research project guidelines and submission contact may be found below:

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada Research Awards and Grants: Guide & Form (English)      
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada Research Awards and Grants: Guide & Form (French)

Recently Funded Research:


National Scholarship Program

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy—Canada offers Canadian fundraising professionals working for charitable and non-profit organizations the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. Financial scholarships, up to a maximum of $1000, are being offered to cover registration and travel costs for educational programs at the local, national and/or international level.


AFP IDEA - Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy



Public Awareness Communications Toolkit

(Updated Feb. 8, 2016) AFP has developed resource materials to help Canadian fundraisers engage their local, provincial and federal government systems.  This Toolkit (see Attachments, below) is funded by a generous gift from Don Johnson, together with donations raised through the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada’s Every Member Campaign and funds from the Winnipeg Foundation. Included in the toolkit is a refresher on parliament, including a description of parliamentary roles and the protocol for addressing a member of Parliament, Senator or Cabinet Minister. You will also find tips on arranging meetings, setting agendas and making a concise elevator pitch to members of the government. The toolkit also provides recommended next steps after you have met with a legislator/government officials to cultivate the relationship. The toolkit extends the ongoing work efforts of the AFP Canadian Government Relations (GR) Committee.

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