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Call for Nominations for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board
(June 11, 2024) Nominate yourself or another leader to serve on the board of directors of AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada for a two-year term beginning on January 1, 2025. Please ensure that all nominations are accompanied by a current resume and confirmation of the nominee’s willingness to serve. The deadline for nominations is August 23, 2024.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Statement from Board of Directors on AFP Greater Toronto Chapter Anti-Black Racism
(April 4, 2024) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada would like to express our deep concern and regret over the incidents of anti-Black racism associated with the AFP Greater Toronto Chapter. We believe that these incidents of harm are indicative of systemic racism embedded in the structures and order of the AFP ecosystem that fuel a power imbalance and exclusionary culture that disadvantages and isolates, especially those from the Black community.

Déclaration du conseil d’administration de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP concernant des incidents de racisme envers des personnes noires à la section du Grand Toronto
(April 4, 2024) La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est profondément préoccupée et désolée face aux incidents de racisme envers des personnes noires survenus à la section du Grand Toronto de l’AFP. De tels incidents préjudiciables sont révélateurs d’un racisme systémique ancré dans les structures et l’ordre de l’écosystème de l’AFP, lequel engendre un déséquilibre de pouvoir et une culture d’exclusion qui désavantage et isole tout particulièrement les membres de la communauté noire.

AFP in Canada: IDEAA Audit & Sector Benchmarking Research: Recruitment of Working Group Members
(April 2, 2024) The Working Group is made up of representatives of all three organizations, and we are looking to round out this group with an AFP Chapter Leader and an AFP member.  Ideally the team is looking for members who represent these two areas, and also have lived and learned experience in the area of IDEAA. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, please fill out the application form located here by April 24, 2024.

L’AFP au Canada : Audit et étude comparative sectorielle IDEAA: Recrutement de membres pour le groupe de travail du projet IDEAA
(April 2, 2024) Le groupe de travail est composé de représentant.e.s des trois organisations et nous voulons le compléter en recrutant un.e dirigeant.e de section de l’AFP et un.e membre de l’AFP. Idéalement, l’équipe souhaite recruter des personnes qui représentent ces deux domaines et qui ont également une expérience vécue et acquise en matière d’IDEAA. Si vous avez de l’intérêt envers l’un ou l’autre de ces rôles, veuillez cliquer ici pour remplir le formulaire et le soumettre au plus tard le 24 avril 2024.

Request for Proposal: AFP in Canada: IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access and Anti-Racism) Audit and Sector Benchmarking Research
(April 3, 2024) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, the AFP Canada Board of Directors and AFP Global are committed to understanding the experiences of AFP members and fundraisers across Canada who are systemically oppressed, determining actionable steps to correct this oppression and then develop a roadmap for a path forward. Please find attached a Request for Proposal (RFP) to conduct an IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, and Anti-Racism) Audit for AFP in Canada.

Demande de proposition L’AFP au Canada : Audit et étude comparative sectorielle concernant l’inclusion, la diversité, l’équité, l’accès et l’antiracisme (IDEAA)
(April 3, 2024) La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP, le conseil d’administration d’AFP Canada et AFP Global ont à cœur de comprendre les expériences d’oppression systémique vécues par des membres de l’AFP et des professionnel.le.s en collecte de fonds au Canada, de déterminer les mesures à prendre pour remédier à cette oppression et d’élaborer une feuille de route pour l’avenir. Vous trouverez ci-joint une demande de proposition pour la réalisation d’un audit de l’AFP au Canada concernant l’inclusion, la diversité, l’équité, l’accès et l’antiracisme (IDEAA).

Exploring the Value of Integrating Texting into Your Fundraising Strategy
(October 26, 2023) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is pleased to offer a complimentary webinar on “Exploring the Value of Integrating Texting into Your Fundraising Strategy” on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. eastern.  

Les avantages de l’intégration du textage aux stratégies de collecte de fonds
(October 26, 2023) La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est heureuse de vous offrir un webinaire gratuit sur les avantages de l’intégration du textage aux stratégies de collecte de fonds qui se tiendra le mardi 7 novembre 2023, à compter de 13 h, heure de l’Est.

The Power of Integrating Texting into Your Fundraising Campaigns
(October 18, 2023) Unlike email blasts, texting allows charities to add an element of true engagement by having live agents standing by to answer some or all replies. This level of personal interaction between donors and charities results in deeper connections and allows donors to express the reasons why they provide support.

Les avantages d’intégrer les textos à vos campagnes de collecte de fonds
(October 18, 2023) Mais à la différence des campagnes éclairs par courriel, les organismes de bienfaisance peuvent ajouter un élément de véritable mobilisation en ayant du personnel en chair et en os pour répondre à une partie ou à la totalité des réponses. Ce niveau d’interaction personnelle entre les donateur.trice.s et les organismes de bienfaisance renforce les liens et permet aux donateur.trice.s d’exprimer les raisons pour lesquelles ils souhaitent soutenir l’organisation.

Gratitude: Philosophy and Practice
(September 12, 2023) Celebrating World Gratitude Day on September 21 reminds us that in our pursuit of philanthropic goals, acknowledging the generosity of our donors is not just a gesture, it's the cornerstone of a thriving and compassionate fundraising sector.

Call for Nominations for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board
(June 14, 2023) Nominate yourself or another leader to serve on the board of directors of AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.

Appel de candidatures pour la Fondation AFP pour la philanthropie – Conseil d'administration du Canada
(June 14, 2023) Vous pouvez poser votre propre candidature ou celle d’une autre personne pour siéger au conseil d’administration de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP.

Vincent Duckworth, AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada Chair: ‘Looking at How We Work’
(January 11, 2023) Vincent Duckworth, CFRE, has been a leader in the nonprofit sector for more than two decades and is an expert on campaign design, strategy, and major gift performance.  

Vincent Duckworth, président de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP : « Examiner notre fonctionnement »
(January 11, 2023) Vincent Duckworth, CFRE, est un leader dans le secteur sans but lucratif depuis plus de deux décennies et un expert en conception de campagnes, en stratégie et en performance des campagnes de dons majeurs. 

Introducing the 2023 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board
(January 3, 2023) The 2023-2024 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board was elected by its members on December 5, 2022 and began their terms on January 1, 2023.

Jane Potentier’s Thoughts As She Steps Down As AFP Foundation Chair: ‘What I Need To Learn and Unlearn’
(December 20, 2022) As Jane Potentier wraps up her term as chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, we touched based with her to talk about leading in uncertain times.

Nomination Period Open for AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board of Directors 
(July 8, 2022) You have the power to influence the direction of AFP in a very concrete way by introducing a new voice of leadership in the profession. Nominate yourself or another leader to serve on the board of directors of AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada for a term beginning on January 1, 2023, for a two-year term. The deadline for nominations is September 9, 2022.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Awards 13 Fundraising Professional Development Scholarships / La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP décerne 13 bourses de perfectionnement à des professionnels en collecte de fonds
(April 21, 2022) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that 13 fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America, such as, AFP CFRE Refresher Course, AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course, AFP International Conference, AFP Toronto Congress and more! | La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est fière d’annoncer que 13 professionnels en philanthropie et en collecte de fonds ont obtenu une bourse pour participer à des activités de formation continue en Amérique du Nord, tels le cours de révision AFP CFRE, le cours L’ABC de la collecte de fonds de l’AFP, la Conférence internationale de l’AFP, le Congrès de l’AFP à Toronto et plus encore!

Impact: AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada / Impact: AFP Canada et Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP
(March 9, 2022) Check out AFP Canada’s 2021 highlights—including developing a comprehensive strategic plan and identifying actions AFP can take on Truth and Reconciliation—and see what’s ahead for 2022. English | French

Monthly Giving Makes a Difference! / Les dons mensuels, ça fait toute la différence!
(Nov. 3, 2021) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is grateful to the many monthly donors to its Every Member Campaign that help sustain the Foundation through the Alpha Society Program. / La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est très reconnaissante envers les nombreux donateurs et donatrices mensuels à sa Campagne des membres qui soutiennent la Fondation dans le cadre du programme de la Société Alp

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Awards 17 Fundraising Professional Development Scholarships / La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP décerne 17 bourses de perfectionnement à des professionnels en collecte de fonds.
(Oct. 27, 2021) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that 17 fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America / La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP est fière d’annoncer que 17 professionnels en philanthropie et en collecte de fonds ont obtenu une bourse pour participer à des activités de formation continue en Amérique du Nord.

Barbara McInnes Executive Mentoring Project Fund – Please Make a Gift
(July 6, 2021) The Barbara McInnes Executive Mentoring Project Fund will pay tribute to her legacy in fundraising and mentorship by:
· Providing bursaries and scholarships through the AFP Ottawa Chapter to new Executive Directors from underrepresented groups in Ottawa and from small NGOs and charities;
· Supporting executive level mentorship within the profession, particularly for leaders from underrepresented groups; and
· Encouraging and promoting diversity and inclusion in the fundraising profession in Ottawa.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board Announced for 2021-2022 / Annonce du conseil d'administration 2021-2022 de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l'AFP
(June 17, 2021) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is pleased to announce its new board members for its 2021-2022 term, which will begin on July 1. Jane Potentier, CFRE, associate vice president for alumni and development at the University of Victoria, will serve as chair.

Susan Storey: Thoughts on her term as Chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada
(June 3, 2021) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that 13 fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America, such as, AFP CFRE Refresher Course, AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course, AFP International Conference, AFP Toronto Congress and more.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Awards 13 Fundraising Professional Scholarships
(April 28, 2021) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that 13 fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America, such as, AFP CFRE Refresher Course, AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course, AFP International Conference, AFP Toronto Congress and more.

Canada Foundation Announces Fall 2020 Recipients of the National Scholarship Program
(October 20, 2020) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that 7 fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America, such as, AFP Toronto Congress, AFP LEAD, AFP International Conference, and more!

Canada Foundation Board Welcomes Two New Members
(July 16, 2020) Susan Storey, CFRE, chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, is pleased to welcome two new board members to the Board, effective July 1, 2020. The new members are: Kyle Tiney, CFRE, director of annual giving for the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in Vancouver, and Teresa Vasilopoulos, CFRE, executive director for The Woodgreen Foundation in Toronto.

Canada Foundation Announces Spring 2020 Recipients of the National Scholarship Program
(April 28, 2020) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that nine fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America.

Canada Foundation Announces Spring 2019 Recipients of the National Scholarship Program
(May 15, 2019) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is proud to announce that nine fundraising professionals have received scholarships to pursue key continuing education opportunities across North America.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy–Canada Announces 2018-2019 Fellows
(August 14, 2018) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy–Canada is proud to announce the 2018-2019 Fellows in Diversity and Inclusion. The Fellowship program has expanded across Canada with a grant from Canadian Heritage.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board Announced
(July 18, 2018) Roger D. Ali, CFRE, chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, is pleased to welcome four new board members to the Board, effective July 1, 2018.

Thirty Years of Giving in Canada - Roger Ali, AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada Chair
(July 30, 2018) Thirty Years of Giving in Canada offers an in-depth look at the giving behaviour of Canadians – who gives, how and why – and examines how these trends are re-shaping the future of philanthropy in Canada.

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy-Canada Releases Biennial Survey: What Canadian Donors Want
Seven in ten Canadians have given to charity over the past year, and almost half of donors are open to different sorts of giving approaches than just the traditional solicitation letter, according to the 2018 What Canadian Donors Want Survey, conducted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada in partnership with Ipsos.

AFP Foundation Receives Grant to Continue Fellowship Program
(December 12, 2018) The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is pleased to announce it has received a grant of $96,160 from the Minister of Canadian Heritage under its Multiculturalism Program to expand the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program across Canada in 2018.

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