Introducing the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada 2025 Board

The 2025 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board was elected by its members on December 16, 2024 and began their terms on January 1, 2025.
Amanda Fritz, CFRE, President & CEO, at Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine based in Montreal, QC and Muneeb Syed, CFRE, Associate Director, Advancement at University of Toronto based in Toronto, ON became co-chairs of the Board on January 1st.
Ms. Fritz and Mr. Syed share their priorities and will focus around three areas: rebuilding trust to AFP in Canada, increased fundraising so the Foundation can provide increased impact through our programs to the fundraising profession in Canada and creating new partnerships for the Foundation to extend the reach of our work.
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is pleased to welcome three new board members to the Board, effective January 1, 2025. They are:
- Jenny Lynn Mitchell
- Ouida Loeffelholz
- Tara Monks, CFRE
The 2025 officers will be:
- Immediate Past Chair: Vincent Duckworth, CFRE
- Co-Chairs: Amanda Fritz, CFRE & Muneeb Syed, CFRE
- Chair-Elect: Niambi Martin-John
- Treasurer: Jacklyn Lewis
- Secretary: Kirstin Ling
Your 2025 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada board is:
Amanda Fritz, CFRE – Co-Chair
Director, Major Gifts and Campaign Planning
Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine
Montreal, QC
Catherine M. Connolly, CFRE, MBA
Elk Grove, CA
Evan Maydaniuk, CFRE
Director of Development
Rainbow Resource Centre
Winnipeg, MB
Fiona Valverde, CFRE
VP Revenue Generation
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Halifax, NS
Jacklyn Lewis - Treasurer
Marts & Lundy Canada
Burlington, ON
Jenny Mitchell, CFRE
Founder and CEO
Ottawa, ON
Kirstin Ling - Secretary
Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Toronto, ON
Lindsay Sweeney-Hockin, CFRE
Director of Development
Hopewell Support Services
Guelph, ON
Margaret E. Miller, MBA
Founder and CEO
Miller Philanthropy Consulting
Almonte (Ontario)
Marla Smith, CFRE, BA
Director, Foundation & Communications
Pathstone Mental Health Foundation
Thorold, ON
Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA
President & CEO
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Arlington, VA
Muneeb A Syed, CFRE– Co-Chair
Associate Director, Advancement
University of Toronto
Mississauga, ON
Niambi Martin-John- Chair-Elect
Director of Development
Stephen Lewis Foundation
Toronto, ON
Ouida Loeffelholz
Director, Stakeholder Engagement
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON
Quentin Fincaryk, CFRE
Director of Development
The Wellspring Foundation for Education
Langley, BC
Rea Ganesh, MBA - Ex-officio, AFP Canada Board Chair
Vice President, Philanthropy
Scarborough, ON
Sana Mahboob
Senior Advisor
Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office, Manitoba Region
Winnipeg, MB
Tara Monks, CFRE
Director, Resource Development
Distress Centres Toronto
Toronto, ON
Vincent Emile Duckworth, CFRE – Immediate Past Chair
President & CEO
ViTreo Group Inc.
Calgary, AB
Whitney Maclean
Manager of Philanthropy and Engagement
Nova Scotia Community College
Dartmouth, NS
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada was created in 2000 as the philanthropic arm of AFP in Canada. Guided by the AFP in Canada Strategic Plan, the Foundation supports many programs including the National Scholarship Program, Research including “What Canadian Donors Want” and the funding of new Canadian-based research, the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy program as part of our IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, Anti-Racism) work, and mentoring.