
Explore our collection of guides, tools, and templates to support your role as a fundraiser.

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AFP is a supportive network and a go-to place to access resources to make your life as a fundraiser easier. Browse our selection and access sample forms, spreadsheets, job descriptions, donor communications, campaign timelines, and much, much more. Think of this as your launching pad to get started on your next project! 

A wall of books illuminated by hanging lightbulbs.

Guides & Resources

Need some specific information about fundraising, such as how to set up a major gift program or work more effectively with your board? Or maybe you just want to learn about the latest trends? From the foundations of fundraising to advanced topics, our expansive resource collection is here for you to explore. 

Featured Guides & Resources

Fundraising Within the Disability Community

Learn empowering communication strategies within the disability sector.

Learning to Speak about Love in Fundraising: New Research from 2023

Explore a new approach to relationship fundraising.

7 Website Statistics to Guide Your Next Refresh or Upgrade

Create a data-driven game plan for your revamp project.
A girl laying down reading a book while surrounded by other books.

Tools & Templates

We off an incredible array of tools and templates on a variety of topics that help members get a jump start on new projects and missions. 

Featured Tools & Templates

Accessible Fundraising Toolkit

A guide to becoming an inclusive fundraiser.

Speaking Truth to Power

How to prevent and deal with sexual harassment in fundraising.

Fundraising Toolkit: Sponsorships—All About Valuation

For most in the charitable sector, sponsorship is code for “corporate philanthropy" but this isn't actual sponsorship.

More Resources

Browse by Topics

Find exactly what you're looking for by exploring our main topic areas. Each group has even more content to help you dig into the most important fundraising topics and concepts.

Research & Reports

Research expands (and challenges!) what we know about philanthropy and gives us new ideas to use in our own fundraising.

Ready Reference Series

This series enables practitioners to get up to speed fast (in one sitting!) on essential fundraising topics.

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