Member Fair Behavior Policy

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(Board Approved July 19, 2019)
The AFP Member Fair Behavior Policy is enforceable for all situations occurring prior to January 1, 2025. The new Member Code of Conduct will replace this Policy and become enforceable on January 1, 2025. 


It is our aspiration and expectation that everyone associated with AFP feels that they are treated fairly.

Accordingly, and per this Fair Behavior Policy, AFP and its chapters/members will not condone harassment or offensive behavior in any form. It is counter to our organizational values. AFP and their chapters/members are defined throughout this policy to include AFP staff, chapters, members, volunteers, staff, board members, consultants, contractors, and sponsors.

AFP and their chapters/members are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. AFP and their chapters will not tolerate harassment, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion; 
  • Sexual images, photos;
  • Deliberate intimidation, harassing or stalking; 
  • Sustained disruption;
  • Inappropriate physical contact;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention;
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.

Core Ethical Standards

AFP and their chapters/members are committed to the following:

Respect - Demonstrate a high regard for others and conduct in a way that is free from competing with self-interest, prejudice, and favoritism. Conduct oneself in a professional manner in all circumstances. Listen to others’ points of view, while seeking to understand them. Members inform themselves about the norms and customs of others and avoid engaging in behaviors they might consider disrespectful.

Honesty - Understand that honesty and acting in a truthful manner, both in one’s communications and in one’s conduct, fosters an ethical culture. Serve the best interest of the association through fair, honest, and courteous dealings that help advance the fundraising profession.

Act fairly - Make all decisions without any bias—act impartially and objectively. Maintain and constantly reexamine impartiality and objectivity. Actively encourage equitable access to opportunities in association employment, membership, volunteer engagement and development, meetings, events, and activities.

Ethics - Model and encourage the integration of ethics into all aspects of the association and chapters. Pursue the objectives of the association and chapters in ways that are ethical. Build strong relationships with all to enable a culture of integrity and uncompromising ethics.

Responsibility - Take ownership for the decisions one makes or fails to make, the actions one takes or fails to take, and the consequences of those results. Take responsibility for one’s conduct. Approach directly those persons with whom one has a conflict or disagreement, when appropriate, in an effort to negate the conflict or disagreement.  Advance, support, and promote association membership and the profession of association management through word and deed.

Enforcement of this Policy

AFP strongly encourages any AFP or chapter employee, volunteer, or member who believes that they have been subjected to violations of this policy to promptly report the matter to the Chapter President if the incident occurred during a chapter event, otherwise to the President & CEO of AFP or AFP Board Chair. If the objectionable behavior involves the President of AFP, then the matter should be reported to the Chair of the Board of AFP.

The Chapter President is required to notify and consult with the President & CEO of AFP in connection with any reports of harassment or discrimination at the chapter.

Any individual with questions about the internal process or concerns about possible harassment or discriminatory treatment is strongly encouraged to seek appropriate consultation with the AFP President & CEO, as it is important to have these concerns heard and addressed to promote zero tolerance and fair treatment.  No individual will suffer retaliation, reprisal or intimidation as a result of reporting an incident or behavior in good faith. The association will maintain confidentiality in these investigations to the extent feasible and consistent with an effective investigation, resolution, and enforcement of this policy.

Persons determined to have committed acts of harassment against AFP and their chapters/members may be subject to discipline up to and including removal from the chapter or AFP office, termination of employment with the Chapter, and/or revocation of AFP membership.  Depending on the nature of the matter, individuals alleged to be involved in harassing or discriminating behavior might be removed from association and chapter involvement pending the resolution of the investigation.

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