Ethical Dilemmas in Fundraising: Donation in Exchange for Admission
This Ethics Awareness Month, we asked AFP members to share ethical dilemmas they have faced in their careers and how they were able to resolve them, successfully or not, using the AFP Code of Ethical Standards. See more ethical dilemmas.
Tell us about an ethical dilemma you faced:
I worked as the chief advancement officer at a university. A parent of a prospective student met with me and promised a six-figure gift upon the acceptance of their child for admission.
How was the dilemma resolved?
I met with the senior university official and together we informed the parent that we would not consider a gift anytime near the admission review of their child, nor while they were attending the university. If upon graduation they were inclined to make a gift, they could do so at that time. The student was successful and ultimately the parents made a contribution well after the student graduated.
Were you able to use the AFP Code of Ethics?
I was satisfied with the outcome and the support of the university staff. The Code of Ethical Standards was helpful in the discussion. I wouldn't do anything different. It was very helpful that the decision was shared and discussed openly with the necessary officers.
What could be done to solve or prevent this dilemma in the first place?
I can't prevent the actions of others, but I'm responsible for the process I engage in, and the decision presented to the inquiring donor.