Leadership Society Donors

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Leadership Society members actively support the work of AFP, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada as board and committee members, mentors, and advisors. Members of the Leadership Society demonstrate sustaining commitments to the profession through their individual, cumulative giving of at least $10,000 and annual gifts of $1000 or more. If interested in joining the Leadership Society, please contact the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy at fdn@afpglobal.org.

Reported as of February 12, 2025

Roger Ali, MBA,CFRE Ω
Anthony Alonso
Emilio Alonso-Mendoza, CFRE, JD
Helen B. Arnold, CFRE Ω
Paula Attfield
Michael J. Baker, CFRE Ω
William F. Bartolini, Ph.D, ACFRE Ω 
Brian J. Bonde, ACFRE Ω 
Nancy Brown, CFRE
Timothy R. Burcham, CFRE Ω
Diane M. Carlson 
Bob Carter, CFRE Ω
Catherine M. Connolly, CFRE
David M. Coyne, CFRE Ω 
Pat Chambers Daly
Scott Decksheimer, CFRE
Heidi Droegemueller, CFREΩ
Paul A. Dunne, CFRE Ω
Patricia G. Egan, MBA, CFRE
Leah Eustace, ACFRE
Patrick J. Feeley, CFRE Ω 
Alice L. Ferris, ACFRE Ω
Kevin J. Foyle, CFRE Ω 
Christine D. Fraser & Vincent E.   Duckworth, CFRE
Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA Ω
Gretchen Gordon, CFRE
Pati Greenwood, CFRE Ω
Lori Gusdorf, CAE Ω 
Ann M. Hale, CFRE Ω 
Robbe A. Healey, ACFRE Ω 
Les Helmuth, CFRE
Susan Earl Hosbach, CFRE Ω 
Alan R. Hutson, Jr., CFRE Ω
Audrey P. Kintzi, ACFRE Ω
Ken Kissick, CFRE
Stephen M. Levy Ω 
Tania Little, CFRE Ω
Beth Ann Locke
Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE
James K. and Claudia A. Looney, FAHP Ω 
Harry Lynch, CFRE Ω
David J. Madson, ACFRE Ω 
Paulette V. Maehara, CAE (Ret.) Ω
Ken Mayhew Ω
Andrea McManus, CFRE Ω
Thomas W. Mesaros, CFRE Ω
Nivisha Mehta
Joyce Mitchell-Antoine
Ann H. Moffitt, ACFRE Ω
Gwenn M. and Mark A. Neville, CFRE Ω 
Nicholas Offord
Lori Hunter Overmyer, MBA, CFRE Ω
Jennifer A. Oyer, CFRE
Amy Brewster Parrott, CFRE Ω
Melissa Ryan Penland, MPA
Pamela Perkins-Dwyer 
James Phelps, ACFRE Ω
Jane Potentier, CFRE Ω
Paul Pribbenow, Ph.D., CFRE 
Cynthia Quigley
Nancy K. Racette, CFRE Ω
Patricia Rich, ACFRE Ω
Karen Rotko-Wynn,, CFRE Ω
John J. Scales, CFRE
David Schlakman, CPA (Ret.), MSA Ω
Martha H. Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE, MInstF (AdvDip) Ω
Pamela Gail Simmons, APR, BA, CFRE
Birgit Smith Burton Ω
Scott C. Staub, ACFRE Ω
Dennis Stefanacci, ACFRE Ω
Jeremy Wells, CFRE Ω

Charter members appear in bold type.
Ω Omega Circle Members

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