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2024 AFP/Skystone Partners Prize for Research on Fundraising and Philanthropy Awarded to Lois A. Buntz

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Lois Buntz

Natalie Paskoski, Manager of Content, (434) 236 – 5583,

(Arlington, Virginia) The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy has awarded the 2024 AFP/Skystone Partners Prize for Research on Fundraising and Philanthropy to Lois A. Buntz for her book, "Generosity and Gender: Philanthropic Models for Women Donors and the Fund Development Professionals Who Support Them", published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Using a six- step process of engagement, this book contains an overview of the history of women’s philanthropy, lays out a detailed and accessible review of current research, and draws on selected interviews from 70 women philanthropists and leaders, to provide practical tips, guidance, and suggestions for fundraisers on how to work with women donors and build a women’s philanthropy program.

“I am truly honored to receive this prestigious award and want to thank the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy and Skystone Partners for this recognition,” said Ms. Buntz. “As the fundraising profession continues to engage a more diverse group of donors, it is important to understand that motivations, expectations, and aspirations among contributors can be quite different. My research delved into the tremendous untapped potential of women’s giving and what guides their philanthropic choices. Blending research with practice, this book is a guide for nonprofit professionals who want to expand their fundraising skills and engage more women in their causes. I am excited to bring these insights to the AFP community through Generosity and Gender.”

Lois A. Buntz is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) and principal of Lois Buntz Consulting. In addition to her expertise in the area of women’s philanthropy, she has extensive experience in capital campaigns. At United Way of East Central Iowa, she raised more than $125 million and implemented an endowment campaign that increased revenues by 50%. She’s managed numerous employees and hundreds of volunteers, and served on more than 20 boards of directors in a leadership capacity.

The prize jury that reviewed each nomination commented that Generosity and Gender’s  unique contribution to the profession is the strong synthesis of 20-plus years of research made actionable for fundraising practice. The book provides an accessible review of donor behavior and motivations that benefits those new to the profession and experienced fundraisers alike.

Each year, the AFP Research Council awards the Skystone Partners Prize for Research to the author or authors of a book that contributes substantially to the knowledge and understanding of fundraising or philanthropic behavior. The award is made possible by an endowment established by Skystone Partners, an international fundraising consulting firm, through the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy to encourage advanced research that extends the knowledge of fundraising and philanthropy.

"As the leader of a firm committed to advancing philanthropy and empowering women in giving, I am thrilled to see Lois A. Buntz's book, 'Generosity and Gender: Philanthropic Models for Women Donors and the Fund Development Professionals Who Support Them,' as the winner of this year’s AFP/Skystone Partners Prize for Research,” said Elizabeth Kohler Knuppel, president and CEO of Skystone Partners, which sponsors the award. “In this pivotal moment where the social sector is reevaluating its methods amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Buntz's work couldn't be more timely. Her insightful analysis delves into the unique motivations and patterns of women's philanthropy, offering invaluable guidance for fundraisers to effectively engage and inspire women donors. Buntz's emphasis on inclusivity, diversity, and equity underscores the importance of broadening conversations in philanthropy. This book is not just a resource; it's a roadmap towards a more impactful and inclusive future of giving."


The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy champions philanthropy and volunteerism by strengthening the nonprofit sector’s current and future leaders, welcoming diverse new voices into the charitable world, and rigorously upholding the highest standards of ethics. The foundation currently focuses on developing fundraising leadership programs, supporting research on critical issues in the profession, building a stronger sector through a more diverse workforce, and renewing public trust in charitable organizations. More information about the foundation can be found at

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