President's Perspective Blog

Extending Our Early Bird ICON Registration Rate

Fundraising Strategies: Special Events
Career Development: Your Fundraising Career
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AFP ICON 2022: Early Bird Rate Extended

I just got out of a meeting with our senior leadership and Conference teams and wanted to let you know about a key change to our AFP ICON 2022 registration schedule that will save you money!

After considerable and thoughtful discussion, we have decided to extend the Early Bird Registration for AFP ICON 2022 to Feb. 24. 

If you didn’t register by this past Friday for whatever reason, this change will save you hundreds of dollars—$400 to be exact, if you’re a regular Professional member. 

So why are we doing this?   

First and most importantly, while it appears that many parts of the world are slowly getting back to some version of a “new normal,” that is not yet the case everywhere. By extending your opportunity for savings, our intent is to give you the opportunity to make the go/no-go decision without the increase in registration fee of $400 being another factor to consider.  

Second, last week we released the sessions and presenters that have been selected for the conference. It’s an incredible list of presentations that will make for an extraordinary conference. But we also acknowledge that you might have preferred to have more time to review that list before the Early Bird registration rate ended on Friday. This will give you that needed time.

So, for those reasons, we have extended the Early Bird registration rate to Feb. 24. 

My number one priority at AFP is to focus on you—our members—and how we can support you.  And I think this decision to extend the Early Bird deadline meets that litmus test. 

There’s nothing like AFP ICON in terms of the breadth and depth of sessions that cover every aspect of fundraising. You also won’t find anything like the networking opportunities at AFP ICON, where you can meet colleagues from all over the world working on every conceivable cause and involved in every type and specialty of fundraising. 

We are more than ready and energized to put on a great in-person show for the first time in three years, and we know you are excited to attend!

And of course, we’ll have two amazing plenary speakers, including Allyson Felix, who isn’t just the most decorated woman in Olympic track and field history, but also an incredible advocate for women and mothers, especially regarding health care. 

Head over to the AFP ICON 2022 website, review the schedule, check out the list of speakers and presenters and be sure to register as soon as possible, but definitely before Feb. 24!

I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas in May! And of course, if you have any questions about AFP ICON 2022 or anything else related to AFP Global, please drop me a line at or contact me on Twitter @AFPMikeGeiger.

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