President's Perspective Blog

It’s National Volunteer Week

Leadership and Teams: Boards and Volunteers
hands in a circle

As we celebrate National Volunteer Week, I want to thank you for everything you do for the AFP community, locally, nationally and internationally.

AFP is the professional association representing the fundraising profession–or as we’ve coined it: the IMPACT profession.

But I know the heart of our community is our volunteers—you! From board and committee members to our AFP chapters, volunteers are what makes AFP so special and integral to the fundraising community. Without you, our community simply wouldn’t work.

Your work takes on special meaning in light of the coronavirus and the situation we all now face. We are under such stress—in our jobs and our homes—and working at home often means the line between the two blurs, creating all new pressures. That you would continue to take on your volunteer duties for AFP during this difficult time is incredibly meaningful and humbling to the staff and me. Your work and your leadership do not go unnoticed, and I want you to know how appreciated you are by all of us at AFP Global.

I hope you’re also taking a moment this week to thank your volunteers. Obviously, the typical kind of volunteer appreciation events are not possible now, but other options remain. Perhaps share a video message from yourself or your executive director, contact key volunteers personally, or host a Zoom or Skype call to thank them.

While we’re all worried about the economy and the impact on charitable giving, these times actually reinforce the importance of philanthropy and volunteerism. It is so inspiring to see what people are doing to help one another and to support their communities.

And it's inspiring to see what you continue to do to support and lead AFP—the IMPACT community. Thanks again for your leadership and dedication—now and throughout 2020.

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