President's Perspective Blog

Our Values

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AFP President and CEO Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA
Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

On Monday, I was attending the AFP Mid-America Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when someone mentioned to me an article critical of our recent sexual harassment survey and its findings. I finally got the chance to read the article, which referred to our survey (conducted by the well-known firm Harris Polling in partnership with The Chronicle of Philanthropy) as "sensationalized rubbish" and a "self-serving, hogwash survey."

I encourage members to decide on their own whether our survey, which found that 25 percent of all female fundraisers and 7 percent of male fundraisers have been sexually harassed, is "sensationalized rubbish." I encourage members to decide on their own whether our focus on ethics is wrong and outdated.

Rather than address the article point-by-point, here's my big-picture perspective:

The nonprofit sector is a big space with room for lots of different opinions, approaches and perspectives. Not everyone is going to agree with everything AFP does, or even stands for. Sometimes people will publicly criticize AFP, and that's okay.

AFP encourages differing opinions and even pointed criticism. We can learn much from criticism and different perspectives that will make our programs and services more inclusive and effective.

But we will always take a stand for what we believe in—the core values and principles of our fundraising community.

AFP believes unequivocally that sexual harassment is a serious issue in the profession. We're committed to confronting it head-on, along with other equally critical issues, such as salary inequities and the lack of women in senior leadership positions.

AFP believes in the importance of certification, such as the internationally recognized ACFRE and CFRE. It is imperative that we demonstrate to the general public that fundraisers possess the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective professionals for their organizations.

AFP believes that the long-standing value that members have placed on ethics—evidenced by the popular usage of our Code of Ethics and The Donor Bill of Rights—means that fundraisers view our focus on ethics to be highly relevant and important to their daily work.

I think change and innovation are key hallmarks of all thriving professions and organizations. While AFP's programs and services adapt continuously to the shifting fundraising landscape, we will never change or compromise our values.

AFP stands for ethics, best practices, diversity, inclusion, innovation and tolerance. You can see that reflected in our Women's Impact Initiative, our focus on ethical and effective fundraising, and our work in championing the profession.

We always need to be tolerant of different voices. Diverse viewpoints challenge our way of thinking, encouraging us to either make change or reaffirm our existing commitments.

Whether or not you are a member or supporter of AFP, thank you for your service as a fundraiser to communities around the world, and for your dedication to an ethical, effective and inclusive fundraising profession.

Author Information

I’m Mike Geiger, president and CEO of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Though I’m the one posting, it’s really your thoughts and views that we'll be posting, as much as mine —it's about the AFP community and the fundraising profession. I want to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening at AFP, but I really want to hear from you. So e-mail me your comments, questions, concerns, feedback, and items you think I should be covering.

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