Guides & Resources

AFP offers several guides and numerous resources to help fundraising professionals.

Guides and Resources to support every fundraising need

New to fundraising, interested in learning more about the latest state of the fundraising profession, or looking for helpful IDEA resources to promote inclusivity in your fundraising efforts? AFP’s Guides & Resources have you covered.

Our Resource Guides provide focused collections of materials and content from AFP Global covering the issues and topics most important to fundraisers.

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Mental health image

Featured Resource: Mental Health Resources for Fundraisers

Working in a mission-driven profession, with limited resources and high expections, it can be easy to lose sight of your own mental health as you prioritize the goals of your organization. These resources from the Association of Fundraising Professionals are designed to help fundraisers evaluate their own mental health and find solutions to common challenges such as burnout, quiet quitting, and competing professional and personal priorities.  

All Guides & Resources

320 results, showing results 131 to 140.
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07 Nov 2019
ENGLISH Depuis 1930, les dons de bienfaisance au Canada sont admissibles à un traitement fiscal préférentiel. Depuis, plusieurs modifications ont été apportées à la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu afin de rendre les dons plus attrayants pour les particuliers. Un des changements les plus importants a...
Resource Research Reports Tax Issues
07 Nov 2019
FRANÇAIS Since 1930, charitable donations in Canada have been eligible for preferential tax treatment. Since that time, there have been several amendments to the Income Tax Act to make donating more attractive to individuals. One of the most notable changes came in the 2006 federal budget, which...
Resource Research Reports Tax Issues
31 Oct 2019
FRANÇAIS AFP Global Daily has been working on this in-depth article for a couple of months. Today we’re featuring Part One: When Women Speak Out. Part Two, The Response, consolidates the information about what is happening to promote change, will be published in the near future. Part One: When Women...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
31 Oct 2019
ENGLISH AFP Global Daily travaille sur cette série en deux parties depuis quelques mois déjà. Nous vous présentons aujourd’hui la Partie 1 : Lorsque les femmes osent parler. La Partie 2 : La réponse sera publiée très prochainement. Partie 1 : Lorsque les femmes osent parler En avril 2015, Élise...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
29 Oct 2019
AFP offers chapter awards that recognize outstanding leadership and excellence in diversity. Learn more about the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Leadership to AFP and the Charles R. Stephens Award for Excellence in Diversity.
16 Sep 2019
With 460,000 Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) accounts in the country, most nonprofit organizations understand that DAFs are here to stay. Many have taken steps to embrace them and determine how to receive grants from their current and potential donors who have DAF accounts. Five years ago, many charities...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Benchmarks Fundraising Basics
11 Sep 2019
AFP LEAD, held Oct. 3 – 5 in Phoenix, Ariz., will include presenter Ian Adair who will be giving a presentation on “Leading with Empathy, Gratitude, and Action.” With an unprecedented amount of employee turnover happening within the nonprofit sector, AFP chatted with Ian to talk about how leading...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
09 Sep 2019
I recently had a string theory experience: Time and space collapsed; within about two hours, I travelled through a lifetime of confusion to a breath-gulping, “Eureka!” moment of clarity. All thanks to pursuit of my CFRE accreditation. In simple terms, string theory claims that multiple dimensions...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Your Fundraising Career
03 Sep 2019
Introverts aren’t necessarily the individuals you might immediately think of as fundraisers, and yet so many fundraisers are introverts. At AFP LEAD, the fundraising community’s conference on leadership in all its forms, Vinney Arora, Ann-Marie Meacham, MPA, CFRE, and Matthew Siegel, CFRE will...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
03 Sep 2019
Technical skills may get you hired for a position, but emotional intelligence will allow you to remain and be successful in the role. At AFP LEAD, the fundraising community’s conference on leadership in all its forms, Karen Dyer, partner with On Point Leadership, will present two different sessions...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
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