Guides & Resources

AFP offers several guides and numerous resources to help fundraising professionals.

Guides and Resources to support every fundraising need

New to fundraising, interested in learning more about the latest state of the fundraising profession, or looking for helpful IDEA resources to promote inclusivity in your fundraising efforts? AFP’s Guides & Resources have you covered.

Our Resource Guides provide focused collections of materials and content from AFP Global covering the issues and topics most important to fundraisers.

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Mental health image

Featured Resource: Mental Health Resources for Fundraisers

Working in a mission-driven profession, with limited resources and high expections, it can be easy to lose sight of your own mental health as you prioritize the goals of your organization. These resources from the Association of Fundraising Professionals are designed to help fundraisers evaluate their own mental health and find solutions to common challenges such as burnout, quiet quitting, and competing professional and personal priorities.  

All Guides & Resources

320 results, showing results 61 to 70.
Career stage
10 Nov 2022
Source de l'image : Le gouvernement du Canada ENGLISH En septembre 2021, les conseils d’administration d’AFP Canada et de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP ont mis sur pied, dans le cadre d’une initiative commune, le Groupe de travail sur la détermination de mesures à prendre en...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
10 Nov 2022
Image source: The Government of Canada FRANÇAIS In September 2021, the Action Identification Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation was formed as a joint initiative between AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada boards. Its focus was to determine possible actions that AFP in...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
03 Nov 2022
Source de l'image : Le gouvernement du Canada ENGLISH En septembre 2021, les conseils d’administration d’AFP Canada et de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP ont mis sur pied, dans le cadre d’une initiative commune, le Groupe de travail sur la détermination de mesures à prendre en...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
03 Nov 2022
Image source: The Government of Canada FRANÇAIS In September 2021, the Action Identification Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation was formed as a joint initiative between AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada boards. Its focus was to determine possible actions that AFP in...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
26 Oct 2022
Image source: The Government of Canada FRANÇAIS In September 2021, the Action Identification Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation was formed as a joint initiative between AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada boards. Its focus was to determine possible actions that AFP in...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
26 Oct 2022
Source de l'image : Le gouvernement du Canada ENGLISH En septembre 2021, les conseils d’administration d’AFP Canada et de la Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP ont mis sur pied, dans le cadre d’une initiative commune, le Groupe de travail sur la détermination de mesures à prendre en...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
17 Aug 2022
(With so many fundraising options now available and so many things happening in the world, sometimes we all just need a reminder about the basics of fundraising.) The past few years challenged many nonprofits, and today, many that have stabilized are wondering how sec ure thei r future is...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship
21 Jun 2022
Acknowledging and showing appreciation for major gifts, and honoring major donors who give, are an important part of any effective major and planned giving program—and simple stewardship good manners. The same is also true of staff. You should celebrate and acknowledge the success of your major gift...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Major Gifts
14 Jun 2022
As fundraisers, we have a unique leadership opportunity, no matter our title or defined role within the organization. Our commitment to the mission centers the team’s efforts that achieve our collective purpose. Whether you aspire to be a better leader in your current role or are seeking a new...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Major Gifts
08 Jun 2022
A well-produced annual report has the power to define your purpose and engage your constituents. After two years of living through a pandemic your supporters want — more than ever — to know how you are doing. Nonprofits can learn from the business world that annual reports have the power to go...
Resource Annual Fund Benchmarks Boards and Volunteers Tax Issues
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